We are currently accepting new members. From young guns and first-timers to seasoned pros. We participate and play in scenarios and tournaments all over the world.
1. Members are expected to play a minimum of 2 events a year.
2. Don't break the rules!
1. Fill out the Team Roster Application (below) and next contact a Team Captain to confirm.
2. Upon application acceptance, each full-fledged head hunter is required to place a jersey order within 90 days.
3. If there is a certain scenario or tournament you want to play, get with your Team Captain. We can help you figure out how to get there.

Head Hunter Nation Rules
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It is expected we all play a minimum of 2 big events per year.
Tournaments players must attend regular practices when they are available.
Contact your Team Captain ASAP if you need to cancel an already registered for event.
Golden Rule.
Treat others how you want to be treated.
Keep a good attitude, we like the phrase “I’m hit, nice shot!” Not that we get hit all that often.
Your Team is Your Family
Keep an eye out for young guns and inexperienced players.
Help to ensure everyone has a good time.
Help the team meet game and sponsor goals.
Be the Guide!
Take the opportunity to be the example for others.
Do the right thing when others are being butt-heads.
On the field, and in the game, any player caught cheating will be immediately suspended from the team.
Don’t leave trash at the campsite.